
New Enhancements to this Blog

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To further enhance the experience on this site, I have added categories and tags to every posting I have ever done.  This includes the ones integrated from the old Blogger site.  No tagging will be done on the Blogger site as it will eventually be shut down.  Hope you enjoy the new enhancements.

Holiday for Me–Not By Choice

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Because of some technical difficulties in the program that I use, there will be no posting this week as much as I would love there to be.  Apparently, the program I use just decided not to work properly and I spent some time to get it working again to some extent.  It is always wonderful when things don’t go as planned, but that is life no matter how bad it gets at times.  However, my WordPress blog has a new post because I write directly in that program.  So join me again next week for a new post (hopefully—internet willing)!  Thanks for your continued support as I work through the issues that I have with this f#&^$ program.