
Potty Time

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Writer’s warning:  The following post contains material that may be offensive to some people.  Reader is STRONGLY cautioned.


Last week, my now unfriend Ryan posted what I believed to be an offensive remark about transgender people using either bathroom of their choosing.


My point which I did not get to with him before he decided to unfriend me was that the idea of having someone of the opposite sex using the same bathroom could lead to sex offenders and child abusers preying on possible victims.


The biggest new story about this in the last week was when Target decided to embrace people to enter the bathroom they feel most comfortable with.  To date over 1.1 million people have signed to boycott Target over this decision.  Even though I will not sign the boycott, I still believe that Target is in the wrong.


Let me bring the story back to roughly 2 months earlier for myself.  One day I went to the local Target store and entered the men’s bathroom as I usually do when I arrive.  As I entered the bathroom, I saw this attractive blonde girl coming out of one of the stalls.  It was apparent that because she was the only one in the bathroom that she probably felt pretty comfortable in there, however when I arrived in, she looked a little frightened.  I noticed that she quickly washed her hands and exited the bathroom.


Now at this point let me say that if this bathroom had other guys in it, some of which I have seen look creepier than I do, this girl could possibly have been attacked given that she was a young attractive girl.  Needless to say that it is this type of incident that Target should be avoiding by having people using the bathroom associated with their true gender.


Target, as well as Walmart, does have “family restrooms” that allow people to have complete privacy as these are one person restrooms.  While I believe that these are the desired solution to the problem, Target has mucked up the waters by saying otherwise.


While most stores don’t have family bathrooms, the problem rears its ugly head even more so as there are no clear answers to this problem.  Most places cannot accommodate the space for family bathrooms without doing remodeling so they should have policies in place about which bathroom people should be able to use.


However, in my 25 years in retail, I know of no store that posted a policy regarding which bathroom people could use depending on their alleged or true gender.


This leads to the problem as I stated earlier that a young girl or boy could get viciously attacked if they enter the gender of the opposite of what they are.  This leads to the question of who is responsible for the attack, the store or the attacker or both.


I believe that everyone should share in the responsibility for any sort of attack.  I know that stores cannot do a body check for everyone who enters any bathroom but I do believe that people should be more diligent on who enters what bathroom and if they feel uncomfortable then they have the right to report it to the proper management or if something is wrong, call the authorities.


I don’t believe that there should be any gray area on what should be deemed as acceptable, boys use the boys room, girls use the girls room, whether you think that you are the opposite sex or not.


Now onto my unfriended Ryan (yes his real name).  The last time I wrote about gay marriage he posted on long spewing of some sort of gay rights thing that he posted to my Facebook page and also to the comments section of that particular post.  At the time I deleted both comments as it was a cut and paste job of something that didn’t even relate to what I had written.  I think at the time he probably got aggravated as he is openly gay, but as I pointed out in that post as with this one that it could be offensive.  Apparently he did not heed the warning accordingly.


Do I feel the least bit apologetic to Ryan for my posting?  Not really.


Do I feel like I am a racist for my views of transgender/gay lifestyles?  No, as I know many people who are gay or transgender, but I also believe in safety and for these people to keep their lifestyles to themselves.  I have known of some who try to force their lifestyle on others, which I condemn completely.


Maybe someday Ryan might read this and want to re-friend me again or maybe I will lose more friends who think that I am wrong once again.


However, people like Ryan who cannot accept the opinions of others are certainly closed minded and are not open to others.


It is sad that there are many people like Ryan in the world.



The Law of the Land?


Warning:  The following post contains material that may be offensive to some readers.  Reader caution is STRONGLY recommended.


Note:  The following is being posted in both blogs this week as I feel it is important enough to appear in both of them.


Yes, everyone the government has officially gone wild and stupid.


Back when I was in school many years ago, I learned that we had 3 divisions of government:  executive, judicial, and legislative branches.  Nowadays, these divisions have been crossing paths with each other because each of them wants to make laws that we are supposed to live by.  Of course only the legislative branch has the power to make laws.


Tell that to our government today.


Recently, the President made an executive order regarding immigrants and last week the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in all 50 states.  The latter is what I am going to talk about in this post.


Nos while this may seem fine on the surface, let’s get to the real problem here.  Quite a few states have yet approved gay marriage and some have rejected it more than once.  To have the courts decide what is good for the country in one fell swoop is not only a bad move but creates the type of problems that have been plaguing this country for years.


For someone to call this “the law of the land” makes me sick, as this law was forced down the throats of people whether they want it or not.  Let’s add to this the following things that irritate me just as much as just passing the law:


  • Lighting up the White House in the rainbow flag colors. What can be worse than having the “People’s House” not representing all the people and being paid for at taxpayer’s expense?  When you don’t represent everyone you should not force the values on everyone else.
  • Having people change their Facebook profile picture to be covered in the rainbow flag colors. Do these people even have a clue that their so-called support is just flaming the fire of those who don’t like having a law slammed down their throat?  Apparently all these rainbow people have not done their research on this “law”.
  • The celebrating in the streets by those who feel like they won the lottery. Truth is, your rights are still limited despite being the law.


It is this last point that is the most critical of them all.


Even though gay people have the right to marry, the bigger question is who will marry them.  Any religious leader can still deny a gay marriage performance if they don’t want to do it.


Add to this that places like bakeries can deny a customer who wants to create a wedding cake for a gay couple as well.  Let’s even add more to this as gays can be fired from their jobs, denied seating in restaurants, and can still be treated like second class citizens.


And the gays think they won the marriage battle?


Honestly, what has now happened is a Pandora’s box of problems that will sprout and raise its ugly head.


Oh sure, those of you wearing blinders waving your rainbow flag and showing your gay pride by changing your Facebook profile pic may feel happy, but the truth is that the gay community has won nothing.




Are you people hearing me?  If anything, the passage of a law that goes against the views of the people will cause nothing but problems.  More discrimination and more hatred will be coming.


If the black community think that they have been hated lately, that is nothing compared to the firestorm against the gay community to come.


Since the Supreme Court was a 5-4 decision, the court was pretty much evenly divided, however since 2 of the justices on the affirmative side have performed gay marriages, they should have recused themselves from making a decision on this case.  If that happened, then this law never would have passed whatsoever.


So here is the problem with our court system.


Instead of going by the Constitution, which makes no mention of gays in it, the justices decided to go by their own personal beliefs to put forth their decision.  Let’s forget that there were any evidence to support either side, the fact that the court even made a decision on this at all just proves that the court wants to make its own laws just like the Congress does.


It is bad enough that Congress can’t make laws but to have the courts step up and make laws just shows how wrong our government has really become.  It appears that the courts wants to make laws and then execute them in any way they like even if it means screwing the American people.


Now let me say that I am not in favor of gay marriage, however I do have several gay friends.  I am not a racist or a bigot but I do believe in what the religious teachings I grew up with are.  Even though I no longer practice religion, I still stand behind the faith that I have known all my life.  I do however support the idea of gay unions just not the idea of redefining marriage.


Of course now the courts have opened themselves up to yet another problem.  What about those who are bigamists or those who believe in marrying their pet horse?


Shouldn’t these people be given their rights as well?  Shouldn’t they be given the chance to be happy as well?  Should we not discriminate against these people either?


If you are going to give rights to one group, it should be fair to give rights to all groups.  Certainly we don’t have a fair and balanced court system if they refuse to have everyone get an equal playfield.


Certainly if I had my way, I would be impeaching the Supreme Court and remove them from their lifetime tenure that they so enjoy.  I believe that our entire court system is riddled with problems and that judges should be replaced on a regular basis.  Of course, only Congress can make that decision unless the Supreme Court wants to make a law barring that from ever happening.


Finally, let me say that our entire government system is broken.  Those of you who read my blogs probably already knew that.  However, I do believe that we need an honest system where everyone is fairly represented and that we don’t have laws shoved down our throats without the type of representation that this country was built on a couple hundred years ago.


It seems that the more we try to go forward in advancing equality for all, the further we seem to go backwards.


Unfortunately, our Pledge of Allegiance statement of “and justice for all” seems no longer apply to everyone anymore.


Our only hope is that someone will try to repeal the national gay marriage bill and allow states to make their own decisions on if they want it.  It was the right thing to do and the smart thing to do.


For those of you, who read this and appreciate this, thank you.


For those of you, who hate me for what I have written, maybe you should really dig deeper into what you personally stand for.


In the end, I know I will be hated for what I have written, but I did forewarn you.


To all, thanks and let’s repeal this ugly law.